Egg-Free, Paleo-ish Breakfasts  
May 21, 2012
Sarah in breakfast, paleo

Here’s the deal: I can’t eat eggs. It’s something I’ve struggled with all my life, but I’ve never been tested by an allergist. I don’t think I need to, though – stomach cramps, flushed cheeks, and whole body inflammation are pretty self-explanatory reactions, if you ask me. 

Here’s the problem: I love eggs. Sometimes, I ignore my instincts and deal with the discomfort in order to have the smoked salmon + goat cheese omelet at my favorite cafe. Other times, I grudgingly abstain and go in search of lean, protein-packed breakfast alternatives. I’ve tried varying my egg-white-to-yolk ratio, diluting them in a quiche, leaving them raw, cooking them stiff… to no avail. Not much can temper my body’s distaste. 

And not much can replace the incredible edible egg – or so I thought, until I did some highly motivated, frustration-induced search + discovery, the results of which I’m sharing with you. I’ve compiled a brainstorm list of some excellent ways to start the day, egg-free. Try them, and let me know what you think! And if you have any more suggestions, I’d love for you to leave them in the comments. 


Egg-free breakfast ideas:

So as you can see, my breakfasts have taken a bit of a savory turn, but I am delighted with how my body feels after halting the eggs completely and still upping the ante on morning protein. As I play around with ingredients, the ideas just keep coming. I’m so excited about the endless possibilities! 

 Feel free to leave your own tips and tricks below.

Article originally appeared on The Chocolate Fig (
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