Getting Crafty at The Makery
May 22, 2014
Sarah in make

If you live in the Bay Area and have not yet visited The Makery Los Altos, you are seriously missing out! 

This is a maker/crafter/pretty-thing-lover/collector's paradise. From yarn to hand-printed sweatshirts and tees, they have something to help you satisfy mostly every inspired idea. And no, this is not a sponsored post – I'm that in love with this place!

Recently, I've been attending their weekly Craft Club complete with champagne, cheese, fruit and girlfriends. We have made a dream catcher, painted natural objects, and poured cement into a handmade mold. It's cool stuff. The best part is twofold:


  1. You can buy pre-assembled craft kits online. 
  2. They ship within the US. 



What's your favorite DIY project?

Article originally appeared on The Chocolate Fig (
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