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Entries in lunch (2)


Today, just this

We picked up our first basket of the season's strawberries this morning at the farmer's market, and naturally I couldn't wait to put them to good use. A chocolate smoothie for lunch, laced with a subtle tart-sweet tang from the fresh berries. Enjoy.

Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie :: Serves 2

1 cup nut milk or water

1 Tbsp ground flaxseed

5 Tbsp cacao powder

1 scoop protein powder, optional

1 banana, fresh or frozen

6 fresh strawberries

3 Tbsp coconut cream (from the top of a can of full-fat coconut milk)

- Place all ingredients in a blender, in the order listed. Blend on high speed until completely smooth, then serve.


Nourishing quinoa salad

We are having a fantastic break from winter’s grey gloom around here. Last Saturday, stunning as it was, pretty much set the pace for the entire week to follow. On Tuesday morning, I tiptoed outside with my breakfast and ate bathed in the warm morning sun, something I haven’t been able to do since October. For someone as easily effected by the seasons as I, it was a welcome change. 

On another note, the break I’ve been giving my body for the past week has left me feeling so alive, there’s no way I could not share some of my meals with you. I haven’t really been cleansing in the way that we usually think of the term, but I feel cleansed nonetheless. Nourished, sustained, refreshed, and better. Happier, even. 

This salad doesn’t differ from something I might make on any normal day, cleanse or no cleanse, but it’s my favorite lunch of the moment and I’ve been making it often. It has got a little bit of everything-- salty, sweet, nutty, fresh, very flavorful, and comforting in its own unique way. The different textures from the dried fruit, pomegranates and beans and the way they work together make it something of a masterpiece.

Red quinoa is higher in antioxidants than the more common white variety, but either will work here. Also, when you’re wrestling with a pomegranate, here are a few words of caution: Wear an apron. Do not wear a shirt you like even a little bit. Do not use a white cutting board, and place a few layers of paper towel on top of your work surface before you begin. A note on the greens: I used kale and spinach, but feel free to use any you like. Mustard greens might be nice. I recently learned that massaging raw kale with your hands and some olive oil causes it to wilt and ‘cook’ down a bit, which is what I’ve been doing to make it more manageable in a salad. Yum! 

Nourishing Quinoa Salad :: Makes 1 generous serving

2-3 leaves curly kale, stems removed, chopped
handful spinach leaves, chopped
1/2 cup cooked red quinoa
1/4 cup pistachios
seeds from 1/2 pomegranate
1/3 cup cooked black beans
3 dried figs, chopped 
3 dried apricots, chopped

3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon dijon mustard (optional)

In a medium bowl, place kale and a drizzle of olive oil. Massage with your hands, rubbing oil into the leaves, for a few minutes until slightly wilted. Set aside and prep remaining ingredients.

Add spinach, quinoa, pistachios, pomegranate seeds, black beans, and dried fruit to the bowl with the kale. Make a dressing with the olive oil, vinegar, honey and dijon, whisking vigorously or shaking in a small container. Pour dressing over salad ingredients and toss to combine. Season with freshly ground black pepper.